For even the Christ did not come to be served, but to serve, and give His life a ransom for many (Mark 10:45).  We believe that a clear indication of our sincere faith is our service to the community in which we reside.  We are committed to developing selfless servants passionately serving their community. Under the visionary leadership of Pastor Carl Miller the RC3 Church has done an excellent job of helping people progression in public ministry by consistently reiterating and reinforcing the mission to develop in people a love and passion for serving and restoring the people, and the community in which they live.

Christian Community Collaboration (C3) Initiative
In 2007 the C3 Initiative was launched to bring together Christian organizations with government, businesses, and nonprofit organizations the Port Huron area to identify and develop action plans for addressing the urgent needs of the community.   Through this initiative we brought together over forty leaders of faith, public, private, and nonprofit organizations at to specify areas of need and opportunities for community development which were articulated in a comprehensive community assessment report. This report was used to establish goals and objectives and guides the development and expansion of the RC3’s efforts to serve the community.
Harvest Festival
This is our largest annual efforts of community outreach.  We bring in a food truck to distribute food packages, provide clothing, and offer a safe haven of food and entertainment for young people as an alternative to trick or treating.  In 2013, we distributed food and clothing to over 500 people at this event.
Outreach Ministries
Through the Jail Ministry we visit and minister to incarcerated men and women.  We also mentor and help prisoners transition back into society upon their release.  The Mission Ministry serves those in hospitals and nursing homes.  The fourth Saturday of each month RC3 members are ask to serve at the Mid City Nutrition Soup Kitchen.
Benevolent Fund
This fund was established to sponsor organizations and individuals dedicated to serving the people and community of Port Huron. Also, funds are used to provide emergency assistance for food, rent, utilities, and funeral services for individuals and families in need.